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Fire Alarm Systems

An alarm system that warns people of fire hazards such as smoke, fire, carbon monoxide, or other fire-related emergencies is called a fire alarm system. These alarms can be activated automatically by smoke detectors and heat detectors. They may also activate manually via fire alarm activation devices, such as pull stations or manual call points.

Alarms can either be motorized bells, wall-mountable sounders or even horns. You can also use speaker strobes to sound an alarm and then play a voice evacuation message warning people not to use elevators. Depending on the manufacturer and country of the device, fire alarm sounders can be set at certain frequencies and tones, including high, medium, and low.

European fire alarm systems sound a lot like sirens, but with alternating frequencies. In the United States and Canada, fire alarm electronic devices are called horns. They can be continuous or set to different codes.

You can also set different volumes for fire alarm warning devices.


Wireless fire alarm systems offer a cost-effective alternative to wired fire alarms for all applications. They use secure radio communications that are not licensed to connect the devices and sensors (smoke detectors, call points, etc.). The controllers. This simple concept has many benefits. It can be used as a fire detection system with full analogue addresses without any cable.

CO fire detectors are the same sensor, but they respond faster and more sensitively. The electrochemical cell in CO detectors senses carbon monoxide but not smoke or other combustion products.

Because the cells don’t require much power, they can be electrically compatible with other smoke and heat detectors. They are useful as fire detectors, but they can only be used for certain types. Deep-seated, smoldering fires can produce carbon monoxide that can be detected from a distance. A CO fire detector is likely to be used for this type of fire before a smoke detector.

However, smoke detectors will almost always respond better to a fire that has produced rising plumes of smoke. CO fire detectors won’t respond well to flaming fires. CO fire detectors operate on different principles than smoke detectors so their false alarm behavior will differ.

They are not affected by heat, steam, or most cooking fumes. They may be sensitive enough to detect harmless levels of CO from gas heaters or vehicle exhaust fumes through windows.

These events will not affect an optical smoke detector.


Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

British Standards are used to specify panels. This means that circuits must be monitored continuously and that audible and visible indications for fire alarm and fault conditions are provided.

Additional requirements include the restriction that alarm sounders can only be turned off manually. After which, the control panel must transmit audible and visible signals until the system is re-set.

The alarm should not be sounded if it is being ignored.

The standards require that all fault/alarm indicators lamps must be in duplicate. A single lamp with an audible warning of lamp failure is also required. Some control and indicating panels can include the ability to operate ancillary services like fixed fire extinguishing or door closing.

We are able to supply and install intelligent addressable fire alarm panels as well as a wide variety of detection devices from industry-leading manufacturers.

It is good practice to have fire extinguishers in a work environment. They are also a legal requirement in many cases. You, your staff and your property will be better protected if you have the correct fire extinguishing equipment. We also carry fire extinguishers.

We also offer a variety of accessories and related products for fire extinguishers.

Organisations with the required competence should inspect and service Fire Alarm Systems. This is possible by using third-party certified certification bodies that are UKAS accredited to inspect and service fire alarm systems.

A Conventional Fire Alarm System has a variety of call points and detectors that are wired to the Fire Alarm Control Panel as Zones. A Zone is a circuit. Typically, one would wire a circuit for each floor or fire compartment.

There are a variety of Zone Lamps available on the Fire Alarm Control Panel.

It is important to have Zones to provide a rough idea of where a fire occurred. This information is vital for both the fire brigade as well as the building management.

The number of Zones in a Control Panel and the number circuits within the building will determine the accuracy of determining where a fire started. The Control Panel wires to at least two sounder circuits that could contain bells, electronic sounders, or other audible devices.

An end-of-line device is part of every circuit and it’s used to monitor the circuit.


An Addressable System’s detection principle is the same as a Conventional System, except that the Control Panel can identify which call point or detector initiated the alarm. Each loop can have up to 99 devices connected. The detectors are essentially Conventional Detectors with an address built-in. Each detector has an address that is set using switches. The Control Panel displays the required information when the detector is being operated.

Additional Field Devices may also be wired to your loop for detection. It is possible to detect an normally open contact closing, such as a sprinkler flow switch or a normally closed opening. The Conventional System has two sounder circuits. Sounders must be wired exactly the same way. You can fit Loop Isolation Modules to the detection loop/loops. This ensures that any short circuit or fault will not cause loss of any part of the system.

Security Systems Cheshire also supplies and installs a wide range of systems including:

There are many options for conventional fire alarm panels, both two- and four-wire, and accessories that can be used in commercial or domestic settings.

Intelligent addressable fire alarm panels, a wide variety of detection devices and accessories made by industry leaders.

For larger buildings, use Ultraviolet flame detectors or infrared beam smoke detectors. Perfect for warehouses and factories.

The building structure, current legislation and the use of the building will all influence the choice of fire alarm system.

The local building control is the enforcement body for new and altered buildings. See section New or Altered Buildings for the pertinent guidance.

All buildings, except those that are domestic, are subject to The Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005. The Responsible Person, as described in the order has to conduct a fire risk assessment.

The FRA will determine the appropriate British standard to provide a satisfactory solution for the premises.


Fire and Rescue Service and Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLC), are the enforcement bodies. They have published a variety of guidance documents to help premises that are subject to the RR FSO.

This is especially important because although the legislation does not provide any specific information about the system, the guidance often indicates the appropriate British standards.

The BS5839 pt1 is the standard for fire alarm systems.

All Fire Alarm Systems operate in the same way.

Alarm sounders activate when a detector detects smoke, heat, or if someone uses a manual break point (manual breaking point), to alert others that there is a possible fire in the building and to urge them to evacuate.

It could also include remote signalling equipment that would alert the fire brigade through a central control panel.


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